Letting Go


The point here is to take life in all its rich variety just as it is, with its ten thousand opposites, and to go along with whatever circumstances require, embracing things after their own inclination or according to chance, letting things be rather than getting in their way, and thus allowing each and every thing, each and every appearance, to pursue a meaning and purpose distinct from my own.

— Kato Totsudo

Another great find from Whiskey River.

This passage reminds me of the Harrison Owen Four Laws of Detachment. This is sage advice for group facilitators as well as anyone living in a conscious manner:

1. Whoever shows up is exactly the right group.
2. When it is time to start, you better begin.
3. What you talk about is exactly the right thing.
4. When it’s over, it’s over.

Blessed be when anyone can find a path to the ineffable surrender to flow, higher purpose and trust.

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