Shelter My Daydreams

If I were asked to name the chief benefit of the home, I should say: the house shelters daydreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace. –Gaston Bachelard Whether a home or a studio, the calling to shelter daydreaming is a subtle and delicate vocation. A window in my […]

Bishop/Lowell: Art, and Life

Courtesy of Vassar College Library A group of us are reading Robert Lowell and Elizabeth Bishop’s poetry and their correspondence with each other. There are aspects of both of them—their sensibilities, quirks, proclivities, struggles, shared glimpses of the interior landscapes—that have taken on an ambience that feels like a permeating fragrance. The oddest details are […]

Wallace Shawn’s Pugnacious Wisdom

Wallace Shawn has been a figure of admiration for me ever since I saw My Dinner with Andre, a movie that exemplifies Robert Benchley’s claim that the world is divided into two groups—those that divide the world into two groups, and those that don’t. My experience is that anyone who knows the film either loves […]

Over the Top, and Then Some

Some critics claim that everything is autobiographical. That’s a thought I keep at the back of my mind and try on for size when I’m reading, looking or listening. And as online sensibilities and trends keep moving the markers on the borderline between what is public and what is private, I’m advocating for permission to […]

Sumptuous Failure

Sebastian Willnow/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images Failure. Just writing the letters that make up that loaded term shifts my energy. We live in a culture that is fixated on success, on winning, on being the best. When an English friend of mine first moved to the United States, this is how he described his new […]