Leaky Margins

What Kafka had to be so clear and simple about was that nothing is clear and simple. On his death bed he said of a vase of flowers that they were like him: simultaneously alive and dead. All demarcations are shimmeringly blurred. Some powerful sets of opposites absolutely do not, as Heraclitus said, cooperate. They […]

The Politics of Nipples (We’re all Equal)

Breasts If I were French, I’d write about breasts, structuralist treatments of breasts, deconstructionist breasts, Gertrude Stein’s breasts in Père Lachaise under stately marble. Film noire breasts no larger than olives, Edith Piaf’s breasts shadowed under a song, mad breasts raving in the bird market on Sunday. Tanguy breasts softening the landscape, the politics of […]