Wired For Sound

Kathleen Kirk’s post, Persistence and Patience, is a thoughtful description of how she ended up, after several career explorations, being a poet. In her graceful telling, she describes her many forays into other creative fields—music, art, theater, teaching—but none of them evoked the necessary persistence and patience in her that is needed to keep the passion fed and fueled when the work is hard and the way is difficult. Once you find your métier, something shifts. When you are wired for sound, you just have to let go.

I found Kirk’s point of view resonant with my own experience:

I get rejected, accepted, and published all because I am patient and persistent. I have lived through various “trends” in writing, waiting patiently until the thing I do can be appreciated and accepted once again. Beauty has gone out of fashion, and come back. “Nature poems” have been despised, but now everyone is “going green.” Some people equate simplicity of language with simplistic thought, and thus ignore me, while I have always found that the most complex thinking usually requires the greatest clarity of statement. I am not a flashy poet, nor a trendy or political poet. I write about what goes on around me, and inside me.

Paul Auster has said, “Becoming a writer is not a ‘career decision’ like becoming a doctor or a policeman. You don’t choose it so much as get chosen, and once you accept the fact that you’re not fit for anything else, you have to be prepared to walk a long, hard road for the rest of your days.” I am committed to walking this long, hard road and have been on it, in my meandering way, for quite a lovely while.

4 Replies to “Wired For Sound”

  1. Having just gotten back a rejection, without an acknowledgment that it was, I can identify. At this point, writing isn’t a job; it’s what I love to do and going with the passion is where the happiness is.

    Great quote!

    (I should add, though, that I also got an acceptance. Red Lion Square is going to record and feature one of my poems in the next month.)

  2. Deborah, I am so glad that this resonated with you.

    Glad for Maureen, and her acceptance, too! I enjoy the poems, art information, and variety of wonderful things at Maureen’s blog.

    And so pleased to have found yours!

  3. Kathleen, Thank you for stopping in, and may I thank you personally for such a thoughtful essay. I hope to keep up with your future poetry and points of view.

  4. PS Thank you Maureen. YOu are my favorite online vetter of all things compelling.

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