Art, Lies, Truth

My friend D at Joe Felso: Ruminations calls it a “find”: Coming across a blog quite by surprise that speaks to you. My most recent online discovery is lies like truth by Chloe Veltman, a writer and musician.

Here’s her excellent blog credo:

These days, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between fact and fantasy. As Alan Bennett’s doollally headmaster in “Forty Years On” astutely puts it, “What is truth and what is fable? Where is Ruth and where is Mabel?” It is one of the main tasks of this blog to celebrate the confusion through thinking about art and perhaps, on occasion, attempt to unpick the knot.

In the epitaph to a collection of writings by Harold Clurman, the great theatre director and critic quotes Picasso: “Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth,” and Macbeth, “I … begin to doubt the equivocation of the fiend that lies like truth.” What I love about art is its way of messing with the truth — of telling us what’s really going on in the world through the medium of fiction. Call it the Matrix Effect or what you will, it’s a powerful sentiment.

One of her most recent posts draws parallels between the physical symptoms of indigestion and mental indigestion, both potential causes for insomnia. I am a periodic sufferer of insomnia, so I’m paying attention to her prescriptions:

Even if a person maintains a healthy diet and his physical digestion is in good order, he can keep himself up all night with his brain chewing endlessly over the previous day’s activities, cogitating about what lies ahead or attempting to make sense of how the world works. This is mental indigestion. The cogs whirr and it’s impossible to push the off button and sleep.

Perhaps the same thinking applies to emotional and intellectual indigestion. To avoid “chewing” thoughts and feelings over in the middle of the night, a person might try being less busy (“eating less,”) taking more time over their activities throughout the day (“eating more slowly”) and/or avoiding going to bed in an over-stimulated state by chilling out with a glass of wine and a trashy novel, having a bath or playing with the cat (“not eating for several hours before bed.”)

Now needed: A how-to on increasing the cinematic and special effects of the nightly dream show.

3 Replies to “Art, Lies, Truth”

  1. I’ll have to check out Chloe’s blog. If both you and D like it, it must be pretty amazing.

    Do you dream vividly? I actually look forward to falling asleep, thinking about the dreams to come.

    I’ve used yoga nidra meditations at night with headphones for relaxing before sleep. Very nice way to calm the racing mind.

  2. Elatia Harris says:

    A warm 12 lb. poodle in your bed is the key to relaxing enough to fall asleep. Many good things are possible with a poodle in your adjacence.

  3. C, thanks for the suggestions. Nidar meditations? I don’t know of this technique…

    As for warm poodles E, you have the finest of four legged bedmates.

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