Nietzsche’s Long Shadow

For cultural omnivores, 3 Quarks Daily is one of the best blogs around. It is like finding that extraordinary bookstore where every other title sounds like it would be a delicious read. I found a compelling excerpt there this weekend from Eurozine regarding the still lingering, larger-than-life influence of Nietzsche. The article, What does Nietzsche […]

Humility, with Humor

Something happens when we face the truth about ourselves. For one thing, there is no room for pomposity, arrogance, or self-absorption. More than one person has pointed out how closely conjoined “humility” is with “humor.” A sense of humor, like a true sense of humility, involves ruthless honesty about who we are, without disguise or […]


May Swenson (1913-1989) was born in Logan Utah to a Swedish immigrant Mormon family, the eldest of ten children. After finishing college at Utah State University, she moved East, teaching at Bryn Mawr and several other universities. Well respected as a poet during her lifetime, she is known for her proclivity to closely align nature […]

Bio Luminescence and Other Wonders

The Ted site…I could spend days there. Billed as a collection of “inspired talks by the world’s greatest thinkers and doers,” the range of topics offered is staggering. This video of David Gallo is a spectacular 5 minute exploration of “underwater astonishments.” Wow. I’ve watched it three times and I’m still not done: David Gallo […]