Hi Ho Silver

For the must be shared file:

My SO David ran across a blog a few days ago that has kept both of us pretty fascinated. Yes, there are a lot of great blogs but this one is a stand out. If you are interested in the phenomenon of digital social networks, Greg Satell is worth your time. He’s our new favorite smart person.

And he’s even found a catchy name—Digital Tonto. (You can read here how Satell came up with that moniker.)

Here are two postings that I found particularly compelling:

The Primal Forces that Drive Social Networks

Top Posts of 2009


Greg Satell (Photo: Greg Satell)

3 Replies to “Hi Ho Silver”

  1. The “Primal forces…” article was fascinating. I’m interested in the organic growth of social networks as they pertain to blogs and other social network tools (Twitter, Stumbled upon, etc). Satell describes the phenomenon of digital social networks very well.

    Thanks for providing the link!

  2. T, So glad to hear you too connected with Satell’s way of seeing and describing this fascinating thing we are watching unfold. Just the beginning, it seems to me.

  3. Thank you for the link to Satell. I’ve just sent it to my husband. He may already know Satell’s blog but if not he’ll find it worth following, I’m sure.

    Happy New Year!

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