A Call for the Imagination

Artist, writer, creativity coach and friend Nadine Boughton sent this message to several of us yesterday. Her insights touch into the delicate corner turning that happens every August. It is as if the seasons give us a gentle nudge since what is to come is inevitable and sublime, especially here in New England. Her photograph and her words felt like a perfect fit for that interior preparation. Yes, it has begun.

For a glimpse into Nadine’s remarkably multifaceted world, visit her website.

Long Cove[1]

I’ve recently returned from two weeks on a pristinely silent cove in Maine, where the cottage served as a front row seat to the rhythm of the tides. One part of the day, the cove appeared as a lake with clouds. Hours later, it was a gurgling mud floor with herons feasting.

This experience has me thinking about rhythms, and whether dramatic or subtle, how the tides are shifting for all of us. These are certainly times of stripping away, realigning with our core values. And these are times of fear and confusion that call out for imagination.

My personal rhythm over the past few years has been one of diving deep in the waters of self expression, then manifesting art exhibits, a website and small books. It’s also been a period of spiritual inquiry, as I continue to sit with the dying and newborns. And I turned 65, marking the passage with an “initiation of elders” on the banks of the Colorado river. Now, I’m brimming over!

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